Friday, March 8, 2013

My Experience With Fifty Shades



My  Experience With Fifty Shades

So I had a few friends when this book came out who told me. “OMIGOD, You HAVE to read this!” I don’t really take reconditions from people because I like books about impossible things. I don’t want to hear about ww2 or people with cancer.  I want a light story maybe some murder or mystery and a few impossible things. Like super powers or wizards (yeah I’m a geek shut up) something just fun. Here is the thing. If I find too good of a book I will (and it has happened) stay up till 3am reading it because I HAVE to know! I will try to stop myself but I will skip parts when things get too scary, or high anxiety. I can’t help it. If it’s too good it’s not light reading. If it’s bad I still feel I have to finish it but it takes me forever. Right after a good book it’s hard to find one that will take its place. Sure there are books I read over and over again (Little Women) but it’s hard to find the one you are in the right mood for. So anyway, my friends kept saying I had to read this book. I have to say whenever someone tells me to read a book I am most always disappointed.  So I took their suggestions and said…”yeah I’ll have to read it” but never picked it up. It wasn’t until the today show when they started talking about how scandaless this was when I was like…”WHAT, I need to read it now”

I’m not really for sex porn books. I mean let’s call it what it is. Guys have magazines with naked girls on them and girls who are stimulated more with their minds read books. (and this is not all because I’m sure not ever man is a pervert or women) pffft. Yeah right. Ok sooooo…..I have tried the “romantic novels” aka porn books before and they just didn’t do it for me. I mean ……they never call body parts what they are and I have to figure out what Fernando is lusting after and what a flower bud was. I mean I need it all black and white. I once made it through half a chapter of a romantic novel when I thought of how ridiculous it was and just put it down.  What was the big deal with this book? I was about to find out.

So I asked my husband to pick the book up for me. He was already at the mall and I really didn’t want to put it on my kindle if it was a heaping pile of shit. He came home and asked what the big deal with this book was because when he bought it the teller started laughing a little. I took the book from him and said….”sex porn book” his eyes got real big. “Jesus Stephanie. Why couldn’t you pick it up.” I laughed a little (because I didn’t even really know what the big deal was) and helped him put away the stuff he picked up that day. Plus I don’t even like to go buy my own tampons. I think everyone’s looking at me like… “mmmm she has her period”  I will but I mostly throw it in the bottom of my cart with a bunch of other shit I don’t need. It’s kinda like buying condoms. You know if you only go in for that the teller is jugging you. Yes, I’m immature, anyways,

After the day was about done and I put our son to bed I opened up the book with a nice hot chocolate and started to read. Everything seemed normal. No big deal. Sounds like the beginning to any normal book. Little girl trying to make it on her own in the big bad world with no help and her talking to a really rich man who no doubt sweeps her off her feet. Ok, I have this book all worked out in my head. I read that much and wanted to hit the hay. I thought what was the big deal with this crap?

The next day my husband and son were off on a trip to the cabin. They wanted some father son time and I had to work so I had the house to myself for a few days. I spent the morning how anyone who rarely has the house to themselves do. I put on some very girly music on. Walked around in my bra and underwear (because this is the only time I can) and pretended I was a rock star singing to the songs very loudly. I had nothing better to do so I watched some Kardashian's and ate weird fatty foods I’m too ashamed to eat in front of people like cheese wiz.I am pretty much exhausted from dancing to “hit me baby one more time” and decided noon was an appropriate time to get dressed. Well….yoga pants and my husband’s shirt. I sit down in the bay window and start reading.

After a few chapters it’s getting a little hot with all the sexual tension but not enough for me to really see why people were so worked up over this book. About an hour into it things start to get really dirty. There is no Fernando and they didn’t use the word flower the straight up said vagina. I keep reading and my jaw drops. “do people really do this shit?” Well I guess they have to. I wouldn’t want to be treated that way. I was in the cross between thinking this book was horrible and not being able to put it down. I take a brake to and gather my thoughts. I think this girl must have some serious self-confidence issues to let someone treat her that way and He needs to go to church or something.  Let’s face it. I’m not shy about sex or talking about it openly with girlfriends. I feel pretty confident in the inner workings of the human body and I don’t think penis or vagina's are inappropriate words. I don’t think there is anything wrong with a grown man or women who are committed to enjoy sex. It’s not dirty to me and I don’t mind talking about it but this….THIS was raising MY eyebrows. And that’s hard to do.

I decided to get back to the book because there is no way I was putting this down. I laugh a little to myself when I make it back to my chair knowing that my husband went into the store to buy this. I open the book and start where I left off. I can’t believe how bad this is and I can’t believe where this is going. It’s all very erotic and I get the point now of an erotic novel. Though I feel if I ever had the balls to write one I would totally put “BOOK PORN” on it so people were not mistaken about what they were buying.

Things start getting really weird and naughty when I look up and look over to see my boxer dog just sitting there staring at me. I look at him back. “What are you looking at. Don’t judge me dog, you lick your own balls. Stop it! Go on! GO away dog.” He keeps looking at me and I feel compelled to hide the book in shame.  I decided to take another brake and take the dog for a walk so he could stop looking and me and judging me and go back to licking his balls.

I get back home and get back to the book. They (if you read this book) start talking about these metal balls. I couldn’t resist I have to Google that.  I told myself. Always good to educate yourself on things you don’t know and I feel like what I was picturing in my head was far worse than what it actually was. I typed it into the computer and how wrong was I. I read about theses balls, looked at them and it took a few minutes to figure out where they go…and OMIGOD they put that where? They were not kidding around. I scroll down feeling a little naughty and feeling like I will have to figure out how to delete my history on this computer or my husband my get too excited for no reason. The doorbell rings. OMIGOD….slam down the computer and look franticly on where to hide my book. I trip over my feet fall flat on my face stub my toe yell out "mother fucker" (so im sure the heard me on the other side of the door) jump up again like a super ninja as if nothing happend. My dog looks at my funny again. "you sit you jugeing dog. Act normal." I tell him like we are hideing a bomb. I look in the mirror and pat down my hair and go to the door.

“Hello Miss, I wanted to see if you had any time for us to talk to you about your heavenly father and his son Jesus.” I look up and whisper….”really, It’s just a book.”  The two look at me and say “excuse me miss?” I let them tell me what all the fuss is about and I try to listen. Let’s face it if your religion made you go door to door and everyone slammed it in your face you would start to get a little upset. I let them finish and when they ask to come in I’m not quite sure if I did closed my computer and where I put my book. I mean would if I didn’t shut my computer and didn't hide my book well enough. There would be a lot of Jesus saving that day. I had to get rid of them. I was going to tell them I was atheist (and I’m not by any means btw)  but I paniked and I ended up with all the fuss telling them I was an astronaut and I shut the door. They yelled. Jesus loves astronauts too. WHAT did I just say? I was an astronaut?  This book is making me crazy. Interrupted my day of dancing and made me take the dog for an extra walk.

I decided that I would finish this book. I committed myself to finishing it. I was almost done and taking brakes and making sure that what I was reading was really what I was reading when the phone rang. It was my husband. “hey babe how are things.” I started laughing and explained to him what I was reading and if he were to look on his computer the stuff I looked up was for research only. He is flat out laughing at this point. “you’re reading porn Steph.” I tried to explain to him that it was an erotic novel and not porn but it was no use. We think too much alike and he poked at me a little more. So I decided to read him a paragraph and see what he thought. “Holy shit. Is that really in the book?” I started laughing. “yes” he was silent for a little bit. I changed the subject because I couldn’t have one more person judging me. First my Dog and then Jesus now my husband.  He reminded me what time he would be home and we hung up.

I finished the book that night and decide I should be a little productive when everyone was gone so I cleaned the house and went shopping. I feel like it was all over my face. That I was a teenager that got caught looking at some porn. I felt like everyone new. I was just about to check out when I see a lady maybe in her mid 70’s buying the second porn book of the first I was currently reading. I looked at her and started laughing a bit. Because I’m inappropriate like that. She looked at me and smiled and said. “You wouldn’t be laughing if you haven’t read it yourself. You young kids think you invented this stuff.” My jaw drops and I was for the first time in a long time at a loss for words. I got out of line and back tracked to the book section and added the second book to my cart.

So I guess everyone has their guilty pleasures and this one was going to be mine. If Grandma can read it I can read it too. I did have to strongly recommend this book to a couple people. You would be surprised at who wants to read it. When my mother in law saw the book lying around and asked if it was a good read I did hand it to her and said sure laughing a bit to myself. She said….”I wonder what all the fuss is about.” My husband seeing my action quickly grabbed the book from his mom’s hands and tossed it aside giving me the “I’m going to kill you look” as he explained to her it was horrible and how much I hated it.

So yeah….My name is Stephanie and I read Porn books.  Lol

1 comment:

  1. Soooo funny I almost PMP while I was LOL!!Good thing the Jesus people didn't knock on my door!
