Friday, May 3, 2013

Thing #1 I miss about home…….

Thing #1 I miss about home…….

God bless my Dad! Raising 3 girls in a house all together in pre-teen, teenage age at the same time. Periods, hormonal teenagers who wanted to kill each other and him being clearly outnumbered being the only male in the house. If you ever grow up with a lot of girls in one house you will know that your periods sink together. That means ALL of us women, chocolate eating, crying hormone, fighting, moody girls all being CRAZY at the same time.  Like I said GOD BLESS MY DAD.  In saying that he has to be one of the best people I have ever met and I’m just the lucky one that got stuck with him. Our relationship is a unique one but loving one. The best part is I’m his step-daughter. That is best in fact because he made a choice to love me and he did and dose and will be the best thing since sliced bread.


Anyway……….Growing up I never had real interest in wearing a lot of makeup.  My mother didn’t wear much and my older sister had a lot of makeup but even after reading the instructions I couldn’t figure out where to put what.  The most I ever did with myself was get my hair highlighted and still then I did pretty much the same thing with it almost every day. I just wasn’t THAT girly in the makeup department. I remember asking my mom for makeup and her response was always the same. “You don’t need anything. You won’t be able to see your cute freckles. Less Is more.” Bla…bla….bla….. I thought she was being cheap. Who wants stupid ass freckles? Permanent pimples that’s what people should call them. She was being stupid!

Around high school I decided I definitely needed makeup. I think my arsenal of makeup at that point was Chap Stick. Cherry flavor and glitter lip gloss I got from a friend. I never got the right color foundation and it was only after a bunch of failed attempts I found out you couldn’t just pour it on your face.  I looked at the magazines and wanted to look like them. Once I spent one whole paycheck on random makeup I thought would look good. After applying everything at once I looked like I had 2 black eyes and a busted lip. I would look at my friends and they had bags and bags of makeup. Eye shadow of every color, foundation, powder, brushes, bronzer, blush and the list would go on and on and on. It felt like they were girly and womanly. I wanted to be more like them!  I on the other hand had Chap Stick. After spending hours and hours in the bathroom one day wiping off and putting on and lashes and shadow and lip plumper I emerge to what I feel like looks almost the same. I poked my eye a few times and messed a two perfectly good white shirts putting them over my face. I mean I have had my makeup done by others a few times and they told me what to do but when I did it I looked like a Farrah Fawcett hooker. Once I had everything that seemed to take hours to put on I couldn’t do much of anything that would cause me to sweat, cry, or move. I couldn’t rub my eyes or touch my face.

  One afternoon with just me and my Dad home I decided to experiment with my makeup. After hours of putting this shit on. Applying and reapplying I worked up a pretty significant appetite. When my dad called me out and said he made me lunch I couldn’t pass it up I was starving!  So I came out and sat at the table with him. He hands me sloppy Joes and he eye balls me, shakes his head and sits down. My dad is not much for words. He’s one of those old school men. You know, not much for words and a little rough around the edges.  He grew up with all brothers and knew about makeup as much as I did. And that was nothing! He looks at me for a moment and looks off into the distance. (Probably trying not to laugh) We are half way done eating when he said. “So what do you got all the shit on your face for?”  I look at him and roll my eyes. “Shut up old man. I’m trying to update my look. You don’t know anything.” He looks at me and almost chokes on his sandwich. He clears his plate and starts to clear mine. “I don’t know who you’re trying to put on all that crap for but you should take it off.” I roll my eyes again. I thought I did a pretty good job. I get up and head to the bathroom to check on the new and improved me.  I looked like a hot mess. I must have been rubbing my eyes because of all the shit I put on them and had eye liner and mascara was running down my face. I sweat half of the right side of my face and the lipstick and sloppy Joe mix was half up my face and the other half in my teeth. Defeated I decided it didn’t feel like me with all of this on my face and I was better off with the bare minimum. I wash the stuff off and come back out. My Dad looks and me and smiles and looks away staring off into the distance again. 

( BTW- I never know what he’s looking at. I have tried several attempts to sit in his chair and look over in that area and came to the conclusion that this was his thinking look.)  

“You look a lot better without all the shit all over your face.” I look at him and smile. “You can’t do anything with it on. I don’t know how beautiful people live or even function in everyday life with all of it on.” He laughed and like most things we talk about we never mentioned it again.

That’s how are relationship always is. Teasing each other but talking things out. I know I can sit with him at our old kitchen table in our house. He sits in his seat and I sit in mine. The old light (that they refuse to get rid of and is nothing short of a fire hazard) is hanging over the table and we begin to talk about nothing. Him talking about how old he is and me agreeing with him telling him how old he is. Him complaining about how I talk too much and me proving his point by not shutting up. It’s this relationship we have that is something I miss most about moving away.  Our talks. I can’t begin to describe how much I miss them. I always feel better after talking to my dad (step-dad) It’s this therapeutic taunting. We laugh and joke and cry sometimes. Well I’ll cry and he will tell me to “buck up and knock it off” but when I need him, and I mean really need him he’s there. One time I was so upset about life and how shity it was going at the time I once drove 30 miles to his work ran in and just hugged him. He hugged me back told me he loved me. It was a moment of weakness that we both never talk about. It was simple I needed him and he was there. There is no point in talking about it but just brush it off to “womanly hormones I can’t understand” he would say. Truth is we spend so much time pretending we are tough its good to know your not sometimes.

The thing is I sat here trying to write a blog about our relationship (because mostly its funny and we laugh so hard we almost pee our pants half of time) but it’s harder to explain then I thought. Us sitting there at that old table having coffee and bullshiting abut nothing at all. Literally NOTHING… all. Talking about weather or how funny and stupid people are. How the world is going to shit or how wonderful the world is. Us saying things laughing our ass’s off to just nothing that normal people would find funny. Any normal person sitting down hearing us would think were nuts. But is one of the things I miss most about moving away. That time I have with him. To share anything with him even if it’s nothing at all. I miss that old stupid table and that stupid fire hazard of a light. I miss our talks and I miss that time with him that I realize I NEED.

If you could picture the men from the movie “Grumpy old men” that is probably pin pointing our relationship. Well….I guess that would make me a grumpy old man, but you get my point. (side note- we both love that movie)


So from time to time now I will get a call from him or I will call him and I picture him sitting at the table looking off into the distance (thinking) in his chair and I start some coffee. Still bullshitting and laughing so hard we almost drop our phone. It’s not the same but it will have to do for now. The only difference is I can tell he worries about me and I him. It’s like we both kept each other grounded and looked after with our table talks. We both thought the other one needed the time. Turns out we both did.  Now our conversation ends with…”I love you”  But I can’t tell you how much  I can’t wait to make it home to that stupid barn/house with the stupid big black dog at that stupid old table and talk about stupid things. With the best old man I have ever met in my life!

I love you!

My Beautiful Family

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