Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I definitely should have had my orange juice today.

I definitely should have had my orange juice today.

I woke up this morning to rain and overcast for the 4th day in a row. Groaned to myself a little and I drag myself out of bed sleepy from not getting any sleep the night before. Roll out of bed and stub my toe and big chunk on my toe nail falls off. It hurts and I ignore the pain and stroll over to make coffee. Because my luck is awesome the filter was not put in right so when I got to the bottom of my coffee I swallow little tinny coffee grounds roll my eyes and drop my son off to school. With a bun on top my head and be half awake and someone runs the stop sign I let out a swear word and then now owe my son a dollar. Drop him off and head home.  Because I was in a hurry I didn’t kennel the dogs up because I was just going to be gone for a minuet so when I get home I step in dog pee in the middle of the kitchen floor. I half limp to the bathroom sink with my foot in the air and wash off my toe and foot. I get a phone call from my husband while I’m cleaning up pee and he tells me we might have to wait 30days longer in order to start picking out our new home. He was on the phone with people figuring out things when we hang up and I call my sister to complain. Half sobbing and frustrated I vent to her. I look outside and groan to myself with no sun in sight I’m slowly becoming the Grinch. I get a phone call and it’s Logan’s school he only has 2 days left and ran out of lunch money. I write a check and head back out real fast to his school. I get in looking like I must have just got hit by a train bun of hair still on the top of my head. They then explain to me that I would have to pay cash. Looking in my wallet I just have bank cards I told them I would just bring it tomorrow.  On my way home again I decide I should have a better day. Get in the house again and should have learned from the first time but with me running out I didn’t put away the dogs again. The small one thought it would be fun to spill my juice all over the floor again. I clean that up swearing a little to myself. I turn on the news and am watching the tornado damage and death toll I decide I really don’t have all that much to complain about. I try to be thankful and thought maybe a shower and a better attitude would make my day better. I get in the shower and try to wash away the morning when the water out of nowhere turns colder and colder. I try to turn in hot and it seems that is the hottest it will get. I wash the shampoo out of my hair as fast as I can when the water heater must have clicked on and scolding hot water comes out and makes me jump out of the shower pulling the shower curtain down with me. Water going everywhere I give up on the shower clean up the water and wash the rest of the shampoo out of my hair in the kitchen sink. With my head in the sink watching the soap run out I begin to laugh and the laugh gets louder and louder. This so reminds me of those commercials where all this bad stuff happens and the person said…..”well good thing I have my orange juice”  Note to self-Get Orange juice.
(The link if it won't play on your phone)
(link to funny or die clip-Orange Juice)


  1. It sounds like you need some orange juice tonight....with a lot of vodka! Love you
