Thursday, February 28, 2013

Stink Nasty


Stink Nasty

So I realize that everyone farts. It’s a fact of life. The model in the Victoria secret magazine, Yep she farts. Brad Pitt, farts. OK so you get my point. It’s a natural body function that makes people ashamed and also blaming the smell on various things. “oh sorry must be something I ate”  “excuse me, sorry”  “oh that was my dog, sorry”  It’s an excuse followed by an apology. It’s a polite thing to do to apologize to a natural body function. Like…”sorry I’m a gross human being”

 My husband on the other hand NEVER got this memo. There is no apology for his gross smelly action, none at all! It’s followed up by a game. Covers over the head….”LIKE THAT?”  “no, no sorry can’t say I do”   The laughter that seems to come out of nowhere and he waits to see my reaction. Locked doors in the car after a fart.  “smell that…what dose that smell like?”  I don’t understand this or the need to smell his own farts then rate it.  “ohh that’s bad. Real bad”  Oh it is?  Your butt air is bad?  Oh shocking. It’s like he is proud of it! I wanna see his face if I did this to him. Took away all the pure lady like qualities. I would then scratched myself all day!!!! Put my hands down my pants all day!!!!! Stink up the bathroom and lure him inside to smell the damage and make him rate my farts. I can imagine the disgusted look on his face now.

 I realize everyone farts but I did not sign up for this when we got married. I grew up with all sisters and all though we were not lady like all the time and beat the shit out of each other like boys I however  don’t ever recall chasing my sister down to fart on her head. So in conclusion sorry for the gross and maybe unpleasant topic but had to vent. 

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