Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tiger meat…..Wait, what?

Tiger meat…..Wait, what?


Moving to South Dakota from Minnesota from the outside looking in it appears like any Midwest small town. Well South Dakota is way flatter then Minnesota but for the most part same small town feel. Old buildings, Small little dives mixed in with modern things. Everyone moves a little slower and most places don’t open till 11am. It’s a little bit more country then my Minnesota small town. People in cowboy boots and hats seems the norm. Country music on every radio station but it’s peaceful. Every town has their culture or what they are known for. My small town of St. Charles MN is known for a beautiful flower, The Gladiola. We sell it, farm it, and even have a parade and town festival about this flower. It’s a traditional thing that we hold pride in. Something that is “ours” and yep, that’s a flower. A beautiful one for that matter.

 In Minnesota we have a state bird and song ect. But the food we are known for even made it to the Travel Channel “Bizarre foods.” It is something I thought would be so bizarre it couldn’t be out done. It’s Lutefisk. For all my non Minnesota readers, lutefisk is a boil fish that hails from Norway. Most of the first immigrants of Minnesota were Norwegian descent. If your blood line hails from Minnesota you are bound to have some Norwegian blood in you. If not you know someone who does. Where do we start with this food.  It is well…’s a required taste. That is a nice way of saying, if you were not raised on it you won’t like it but holding with tradition it’s what most Minnesotans eat around Christmas and Thanksgiving.  

Here is a little 411 on this food - Lutefisk is made from dried whitefish (normally cod in Norway, but ling is also used) prepared with lye in a sequence of particular treatments. Yep I said lye. And it’s cooked in a net looking this boiled in water and served with butter and salt. Lutefisk is very popular in parts of United States, particularly in the Upper Midwest and Pacific Northwest, and in Nordic-North American areas of Canada, especially the prairie regions and the large Finnish community at Sointula on Malcolm Island in the province of British Columbia. From October to February, there are numerous lutefisk feeds in cities and towns around northern Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. In the Nordic Countries, the "season" for lutefisk starts early in November and typically continues through Christmas .In the United States, Minnesota has dubbed itself the "lutefisk capital of the world" as well as claiming the largest per capita consumption of lutefisk in Minnesota. St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota serves lutefisk during their famous Christmas Festival concerts. They also host an annual music festival called "Lutefest."

So basically it’s a traditional rotten tasting fish. So coming to South Dakota I didn’t think anything could really gross me out. I ate at the little home town places in town. They do eat a lot of game and some odd things you don’t find on your standard menu. Gizzards are a top favorite of a lot of people. They don’t have a side of fries they have a side of fried gizzards. Not normal but not unheard of for me. After spending half a year here we got to know a hometown South Dakota favorite. Another traditional food that for me made lutefisk look like nothing.

It’s called Tiger meat. That’s right tiger meat. It’s not what your thinking although I don’t think that makes it better. “Tiger meat is a raw beef dish. Recipes tend to vary, but they do have common ingredients that include: raw beef, raw egg, onion, salt, pepper, and other seasoning .The freshness of the ingredients is paramount with this dish. However, all uncooked meat will still carry the risk of foodborne illness and visual inspection of the meat is not thorough enough to determine microbiological contamination. Preparation involves simply mixing the ingredients together in a bowl, and then serving it on crackers. It is closely related to steak tartare, and is common in Midwestern US states with significant German populations, such as North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Kessler's grocery store in Aberdeen, SD serves a famous variety, as does the Butcher Block in Mandan, ND.”

Yep, RAW MEAT! Awwwwwww it’s so weird. The thing is most people will eat it at any gathering. Birthday parties, super bowl parties and pot lucks and in MN you will have popcorn or peanuts at your bars. Here it's tiger meat. They just eat it with a salted cracker and they eat LOT’S of it. I decided to head to Kessler’s Grocery store in my town of Aberdeen to see what all the fuss is about. I talked to the man that makes it and asked if the salt or anything in it cured the meat? That made it safe to eat it or something?  He laughed and said “No, it’s completely raw. It’s part of a traditional thing here.” I asked if anyone really eats it or is it just a one time of year type of thing. He said they sell out of it very fast and more so in the summer. He said “people are just use to it around here, growing up on it. In the summer they leave it sit out and eat it like a dip.”  OMIGOD!!!!!!!!! Raw, warm meat? Raw WARM meat!!!!!!!!  Well, to each their own. I thought maybe for this blog I would try it to better understand what it was all about, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Not tiger meat for me thanks.

I guess one thing us small town born and raised people do have is tradition. We move at a slower pace than our friends in LA, NY, and such. One thing with keeping small is holding on to what brought our ancestors there in the first place. We have little flower festivals and eat strange food you would probably pay an arm and a leg for at some out there restaurant in some big city. We are simple hard working people and for that I’m proud. So …..Readers if you are ever in MN around Christmas stop by well…..basically any small town church and have yourself a lutefisk feast. If you are ever in South Dakota and you are braver than I and have good immune system try some Tiger meat.
(Tiger Meat at Kessler's in Aberdeen South Dakota)
My son Logan :-)


So what's weird to some is normal for others. Below I will provide a “YouTube” link to “Bizarre Foods” about the Lutfisk and other MN foods.


(part 1)

(part 2)

(part 3)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I definitely should have had my orange juice today.

I definitely should have had my orange juice today.

I woke up this morning to rain and overcast for the 4th day in a row. Groaned to myself a little and I drag myself out of bed sleepy from not getting any sleep the night before. Roll out of bed and stub my toe and big chunk on my toe nail falls off. It hurts and I ignore the pain and stroll over to make coffee. Because my luck is awesome the filter was not put in right so when I got to the bottom of my coffee I swallow little tinny coffee grounds roll my eyes and drop my son off to school. With a bun on top my head and be half awake and someone runs the stop sign I let out a swear word and then now owe my son a dollar. Drop him off and head home.  Because I was in a hurry I didn’t kennel the dogs up because I was just going to be gone for a minuet so when I get home I step in dog pee in the middle of the kitchen floor. I half limp to the bathroom sink with my foot in the air and wash off my toe and foot. I get a phone call from my husband while I’m cleaning up pee and he tells me we might have to wait 30days longer in order to start picking out our new home. He was on the phone with people figuring out things when we hang up and I call my sister to complain. Half sobbing and frustrated I vent to her. I look outside and groan to myself with no sun in sight I’m slowly becoming the Grinch. I get a phone call and it’s Logan’s school he only has 2 days left and ran out of lunch money. I write a check and head back out real fast to his school. I get in looking like I must have just got hit by a train bun of hair still on the top of my head. They then explain to me that I would have to pay cash. Looking in my wallet I just have bank cards I told them I would just bring it tomorrow.  On my way home again I decide I should have a better day. Get in the house again and should have learned from the first time but with me running out I didn’t put away the dogs again. The small one thought it would be fun to spill my juice all over the floor again. I clean that up swearing a little to myself. I turn on the news and am watching the tornado damage and death toll I decide I really don’t have all that much to complain about. I try to be thankful and thought maybe a shower and a better attitude would make my day better. I get in the shower and try to wash away the morning when the water out of nowhere turns colder and colder. I try to turn in hot and it seems that is the hottest it will get. I wash the shampoo out of my hair as fast as I can when the water heater must have clicked on and scolding hot water comes out and makes me jump out of the shower pulling the shower curtain down with me. Water going everywhere I give up on the shower clean up the water and wash the rest of the shampoo out of my hair in the kitchen sink. With my head in the sink watching the soap run out I begin to laugh and the laugh gets louder and louder. This so reminds me of those commercials where all this bad stuff happens and the person said…..”well good thing I have my orange juice”  Note to self-Get Orange juice.
(The link if it won't play on your phone)
(link to funny or die clip-Orange Juice)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Son Is Funny

 My Son Is Funny

My son and probably like all children they say things that are extremely funny. Well, maybe not to everyone but my son (and why wouldn’t I brag I made him) is most definitely the funniest person I know. He makes me laugh all the time with the random stuff that comes out of his mouth. Everyday things I think all children say. We have very busy lives but sometimes if you set down the laundry or work shoes or whatever is taking up most of your time and have a conversation with a small child that has the imagination that can’t be limited you might just laugh your sock off. So, for the past few weeks I have just been writing down the random stuff that comes out of my child’s mouth. It may not be funny to you but to me it’s hilarious.


-          Who would win in a fight? I ninja or an elephant?


-          Doing homework is like doing a job without getting paid and I think that’s called being a slave. I’m almost 9 and I am a slave to homework.


-          If you were a bee don’t you think you would get sick of eating honey all day? Well not me, I like honey being a bee would be like being a dragon with wings and a sword.


-          If you and Dad died I would pack up my things in a small backpack and go on a journey to a mountain where I would be taught to be a ninja and save the world several times and everyone would be like….”Logan he is our hero” and I would be like ladies my mom and dad died I am just doing what anyone would do if they had to save the world. Then I would be done doing that at like age 16 and get a car and drive to a beach and play volleyball all day and fight sharks all day and have all the candy I want because when you are a hero you can like eat a lot of candy.


-           Who do you think would win in a fight? A big tree that can talk with magical powers or wolverine?


-          Me- “Logan you need to clean your room!” I hear him singing/ talking to himself half laying off his bed.  Logan- “I just had few hours to live and they said…clean your room. I loved them so I did what I could with my last breath. (he said coughing and laying one hand out reaching for nothing) “When I’m gone they will say, why didn’t we love him more and clean his room for him and get him more toys?  They will feel guilty and wish with all their hearts they would have let him just be a boy and I will wipe away their tears and say… strong mom and dad.”    Me- “Logan are you cleaning your room?” He almost falls off his bed and shoves his Legos under his bed with some pants and dirty underwear. He’s laughing and said….”yep”


-          Why do I have to eat vegetables? This is a joke! Bet Jesus didn’t have to eat his vegetables. He was all having to save the world I bet God didn’t say…Jesus don’t forget your broccoli.


-          Mom can I try coffee? “sure just a sip and you won’t like it” (he takes a sip and falls to the floor) Why would you WANT to drink poison?  You told dad we are all out of coffee you should have said, Dad we are out of poison. I never want to grow up.


-          When I grow up I am not going to go to bed at eight. I am going to stay up really late. I am going to eat candy all day and play video games and never take a shower. I’m NEVER going to get married. Girls try to tell you what to do and there is no way when I am a grown man I am going to put down video games and play dolls or Barbie’s.


-          (Side note- my son has a long hatred for Justin Bieber. I don’t know where it came from or why but it’s really funny.)-  Logan- I just wish Justin Bieber has a sister so I could marry her and tell her what a dork her brother is. – He said in his song… baby baby Oh… and I say yeah you’re a baby dah. – All the girls are like, Oh my God Justin Bieber and I say why don’t you listen to some real music like Usher?  “Logan I think Usher found Justin Bieber or something”  Well looks like Usher and I are not friends anymore. “so you guys were friends?” Well not ANYMORE!  If Zombies were attacking the world I would say….Hey zombies you should attack Justin Bieber.


-          Why do girls take forever in the bathroom? What are you doing? If you would just stand up and pee it wouldn’t take you so long. “Logan I think girls are doing their hair and makeup I don’t think it has anything to do with peeing.”  Well I am just trying to help.


-          This summer when I have enough time I think I want to give a monkey a shower.


-          Who do you think would win in a fight? My mom or an ant?  Ha, ha, ha I think an ant.


-          If any boys try to date my girl cousins I think I will punch them in the face. “Logan I don’t think you will be punching anyone in the face.” Ron will let me and he will help me. (Ron is his uncle who happens to have 3 girls who is a very protective Daddy) You want to date my cousin? Ha, ha, think again. And if she likes him and he likes Justin Bieber I will be like….Ha, ha, move on you big dork! You want to like me cousin let’s see if you like my fist. “Logan STOP talking about hitting someone!”  Guy stuff mom…you don’t understand.


-          I don’t get why you watch the news?  It’s like hey…it’s going to be sunny tomorrow. Why don’t you just wait to find out? Well…..unless there are school closings then I think the news should be watched but other than that don’t waste your time.


-          Mom did you know like last year I went sky diving. “No you didn’t Logan.”  You don’t know. I could have got up in the middle of the night and went when you were sleeping. You don’t know everything about me. I also know how to speak Chinese when I was there they taught me. “No you don’t Logan you are just saying words that means nothing. And about that you can’t start doing that at the Chinese buffet. It’s rude and they think you are making fun of them.”  No they don’t mom we are talking and making fun of you. You just don’t understand it because you never went to china. “Logan, you didn’t go to china!”  Well, Stop falling asleep and you would know if I went or not.  


-          “Logan clean up your little army men before I throw them away!”  I can’t I am planning out how to save the world. “I don’t care. Put them away before I throw them away.” FINE but when the world needs saving and everyone is all like “Logan help us” I will be like….I can’t my mom made me put my army men away. Sorry the world is ending but you will have to take it up with her and I really don’t want to say I told you so but mom…..I told you so. They will be so mad at you.


-          I don’t get why animals don’t wear clothes and just pee and poop wherever they want. It’s like ewwwww bird I was playing there and you pooped there bet you wouldn’t like it if I climbed that tree and pooped in your nest. I should do that sometimes. “NO you shouldn’t”  Mom, you will never understand me.


-          MOM… I need a band aid I picked a scab. “We don’t have any I will just take some toilet paper and some tape should work for a scab.” Mom…why can’t we have band aids? It’s not cool to have toilet paper on your knee if you didn’t know mom. “Well last few times you used the whole package in one day on fake owies” First mom they were not owies they were battle wounds. And I NEEDED them! You don’t understand anything. Now I have to walk around with toilet paper on my knee limping and crying my eyes out. “you’re not crying and you shouldn’t be limping it was a scab and we are just at home.” Like I said mom you just don’t get me.


-          “Oh say can you see by the dawns that make light. What’s so proudly we hail marry and the twilight move sucks. For the rockets shoot guns. The bombs kill the bad guys. Gave the night that the flag was still in my pocket. Oh say dose that star sprinkled thing yet still in my pocket. For the land of the freeeeeeeee and the home of the BRAVE men!”    Mom that song makes me think, can I see Brave Heart? “No it’s too violent.”  Your mom is too violent. “LOGAN!”  What it’s a saying!


-          Who would win in a fight a lion or a tiger. “I don’t know a Lion?” No a bear, Oh my!


-          Mom so Jesus can see everything I do? “yes” Ok I need to pray and tell him something. “ok, what did you do?” Promise not to get mad. “ok”  Well when you went to get the mail I stole a hunny bun and stuck in under my shirt and ran to my room to eat it. I got really full so I fed the other half to Nauni. (Nauni is our pug) “It’s ok Logan I don’t think that’s much of a sin but I’m glad you told me and I’m not mad.” Well……after I fed it to the dog I fed him the wrapper too because I had to get rid of the evidence but now I think he might poop out a wrapper. “LOGAN” It’s ok I told Jesus and everything so I think he understand and you promised not to get mad, but since I gave the dog the other half and that means I was sharing can I have another one? “NO!”  Ok, ok….I’m a starving child!. “no your not I just gave you carrots for a snack.”  Yeah about that…..I think Dexter might have eaten them. (Dexter is our boxer dog) “might have?”  No he did I fed them to him.


-          Who would win in a fight? You or GG? “I would never fight your grandma Logan.” Yeah and that’s why GG wins!


-          Mom why do I have to take a shower or a bath. “because you need to get clean” Did you know people that live in other parts of the world don’t take baths. “yes but you live with me and you WILL take one!”  Mom did you know when you waste water you kill the earth? I just wanted you to know when you make me take a shower I will be also crying because I’m killing the earth. Oh and can I take a bath with bubbles and bring my army men in with me? “sure”


-          Mom did you know if you were dying I would buy you flowers. “good to know Logan, thank you” I hope I never have to buy you flowers till I’m really old. “awww that’s sweet Logan” Well yes but also I wouldn’t have a job till I’m really old like 16.


-          Who would win in a fight? I triceratops or a wolf?  “I don’t know a triceratops?” Mom! You can’t say that they are not even alive to this day. “well you asked about the dragon so I didn’t think that mattered” Mom there are dragons I have 2 of them for pets last year. You don’t know anything sometimes.

Logan and Uncle Ron
(They both might kill me for putting this on here, But i just had to. :-)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Why does weird shit happened to me?

Why does weird shit happened to me?

So it’s like any other Friday night when my husband is not home. I stay up late doing random things. This Friday night I am watching “I love Lucy” and painting my nails an obnoxious shade of blue. Laughing from time to time glancing at the TV but also concentrating on my toes and the small almost not there pinkie toe. It’s almost 12:30 am and I’m rather enjoying my little night to myself.

 All of a sudden out of the blue I hear a noise. Just a little noise. Maybe the wind blowing at the door a little or someone walking up stairs I can’t really tell but I notice I am more acute to all the little noises when my husband is away. You never know. So I ignore the noise and keep on painting my toes. I live in an apartment building so this noise could honestly being a number of things. I prop my feet up on the pillow and enjoy some banter back and forth from Ricky to Lucy when I hear the noise again. This time I mute the TV to better pinpoint where it’s coming from. As soon as I push mute it goes away. I turn the show back on and a few minutes after the noise starts. I mush mute to hear where it’s coming from and it stops. I leave the TV on and head into the kitchen to look around outside the windows and to try to see if I hear it anywhere else in the house. It’s definitely somewhere above or below me in the apartment complex around my bedroom area. I notice it’s starting to rain now. I grab a glass of water and tell myself it’s just the howling from the wind.

I lay into bed and turn the TV down a bit but just enough so I can still hear the program but still listen for the noise. I hear it again but this time it’s more of a whimper. I look out my window and realize I had left it open. The rain is really coming down at this point and I figure I should shut the window turn up the TV and enjoy the rest of my night. When I go to close the window I hear it again. It’s loader and it seems to be coming from outside. I look and it’s dark and with all the rain I can’t see anything. I strain my eyes and the noise gets very load. Its sounds like a cat. The way a cat will wine when it’s scared or panicked. That’s the way it sounded. It kept squealing and in my head I imagined it being a poor small kitten alone outside in the rain and dark with its big kitty eyes trapped somewhere and being eaten by a coyote. Poor defenseless kitten. I sat back down for a moment and even though I have 2 dogs and no place to put a cat I couldn’t just leave it there in the rain to die a slow and painful death being ripped apart by a coyote.  I can still hear it at this point. The whimper is getting louder. “FINE” I say to myself. I’ll keep it inside for one night and at least it will be out of the rain and figure out what I will do with it for tomorrow. I grab my husbands oversized jacket and thought it would be long enough seeing as I just had a night shirt on. It would do to just run and grab cat and go inside.

I put the hood on and some flip flops  grab a flash light and head outside. It’s really raining at this point but I can pinpoint where the noise is coming from. I follow the noise and it’s coming almost right under my bedroom window to the left. I approach slow not really knowing if it’s a cat or what and why it would be screaming. As I near the corner I close my eyes a bit not knowing what I would find. I look and slowly open my eyes and what I find is not some poor or defenseless kitty. It’s not even an animal. What I find right under my bedroom window made me scream “OH MY GOD” It was a man. A man bending over a women with her skirt up and his pants right down his ankles. Her shoved up against the wall and them doing the nasty RIGHT under my window. It was not a poor defenseless kitty but sex. I realize I’m standing there in a nightshirt and how this must look. I didn’t know what to do. I screamed “OMIGOD, OMIGOD, Sorry I thought you were a cat” and I turn on my heal to go and I drop my flashlight. I don’t know why but in all panic I bent over to pick it up. At this point the girl pulls down her skirt and she said…”how embarrassing” and runs off to the other side of the apartments. I fumble trying to grab it and fall flat on my face in mud and water. I look up and with a naked man and his manhood out staring me in the face I scream and decide to abandon my flashlight. He reaches his hand down to help me up and I think all I was screaming was “OMIGOD…EW, EW, EW no go away.” I get my footing and start to walk/run away. It’s raining and I look back and I can hear him say….”miss you dropped your flashlight” “Keep it!” I yell back. I run inside and into my room and rush to close the window when I hear them both laughing at what had just happened. “did you see her face?” and they walk away and I slam the window shut. I can’t believe I just walked into what I just saw all because I wanted to save a poor little kitten.

This is just case and point on why a 30 year old should NOT be living in an apartment but rather her own house with her own fenced in back yard with her stuff she won’t randomly see people doing it on. Ok yeah I know I live in a college town and this isn’t forever and I should be getting my house soon but I think to myself…..”well I hope there are no random kitty’s in trouble because believe you me the coyote will just have a nice meal because there is no way in hell I’m doing that again.” With the window closed and the “I love Lucy” marathon going strong I think it’s best I just jump in the shower. I laugh to myself a little because I would be the person to walk into a random situation like that. I get out of the shower and head to the door to triple check it’s locked and head to bed. In the morning I can laugh at this a little thinking well…..least this will make for a great story. I make some coffee and head out to the mail box to check the mail when I open the door look down and see the flashlight sitting at my door with a note that said…”Sorry”  Not only did that mean the person doing it outside my window lives in my apartment building  but also that they recognized me. I, with all the fuss didn’t have much time to see his face but now have the constant embarrassment  of probably bumping into him some day but not really knowing who it is. REALLY? 

I feel it’s been like this my whole life. I run into all sorts of uncomfortable situations. If I don’t run into it I’m the one making the uncomfortable situation.  How…. when the cable guy came I inadvertently asked him out on a date?  How you ask? Talking out of my ass, that’s how,  But I’ll save that one for another blog. I could write a book, if I think back long enough on situations like this. Random run ins with random people. When I share some of them…”omigod guess what happened to me last night” my family members respond with….”now what?”  and it’s followed up with, “Only you.”  Good thing with time I have learned to laugh at myself and my husband has a sense of humor. If he didn’t I would be in real trouble. “Hey hun. How was work? I asked out the cable guy today. Total misunderstanding.”  He looks at me and laugh’s. “How did you manage that one? ” But honestly…..why does this stupid weird shit happen to me?

Friday, May 3, 2013

Thing #2, I miss about home........

Thing #2  I miss about home....…….


My childhood……. If none of you grew up with kick ass neighbors I feel sorry for you. It was the best! Every summer I had not one, not two but three yards to play in. I had a trampoline the next one down had a swing set and later a skate/bike ramp and further down a basketball hoop. It honestly was the best ever. In back of all of our houses was undeveloped land or what we called the “weeds” that just added to our playground. Neutral territory where we all would hang out. We built forts and played war. We played so many games and spent so many summers out there I honestly had to say it brought a tear to my eye when they put apartments on the land. When I got sick of my sisters I would just tell my mom… “I’ll be out with the neighbor boys be back when the street lights come on.”  Summers were filled with adventure and fun. Best place in our whole town to grow up. Our little summer group grew close in a way that when we grew up into teenagers and not kids it was just a “I got your back” kind of attitude. A group of unofficial siblings.

The last house in our group belonged to a boy named Andy. My bestfriend and the coolest person I knew. Whenever I had sleepovers and even up to my teenage years my friends would ask to come to his house. It was the best! Super fun attic playground and he had bunk beds and boy toys I wouldn’t find at my house. It was the best! We never used phones. In fact I don’t think I ever knew his number by heart. He would throw rocks at my window so I would come out and play or I would Just walked to the side door. Makes me laugh now. This little skinny freckled faced kid knocking on the side door asking for Andy and running up to his room begging him to take me for a ride on the lawn mower around the block. Bringing half dead rabbit to his door because I was sure he could make it better. Stupid things like that about growing up I miss. Late summer nights staying out playing running around playing tag with the boys Mike and Tim and Andy. And their band…”Raak n’ Rainey’s” playing so late till our feet hurt.  How the summers seem to drag on and coming up with new things to do everyday until we grew up.  We grew up and he got normal guy friends and I got boobs. The knocks to the side door were less often and the other boys Mike and Tim moved away. It sucked! But still every now and then I would find myself walking through the yards under the willow tree around the back (flicking off the other neighbor next door to him as I walked by because we both hated them) on my way round the corner to the side door. “Is Andy home?” Finding myself running up the stairs again as a teenager the same as I did when I was ten.

As we all grew up and moved away seeing each other less often but when we did it was a hug and smile. Growing up there was the best for me. Our little unofficial family. I never forgot how much fun that was and how important childhood friends are. Still when I go home and look down the lawns I see all of us there again. 9, 10, 11, 12 years old playing around. I miss that. That time everything being so easy and how time went on for what seemed forever. After a number of years pass and I brought my son home to go trick or treating I walked up to Andy’s old house and had to stop myself before going in the side door. Funny how things come back to you that way.

Years later we had our 10 year class reunion.  It was so big and intimidating event being back. (not going to lie) But as soon as I walked in it was ok. There was my childhood friend standing there with a son of his own. Our lives being all grown up so far from those summer days.  But I walked right up to him hugged him and it calmed me standing there with him. Being back was not so intimidating anymore as long as he was there.  The same for the other 2 boys I grew up with. If I’m ever back home I find myself standing next to one of them and I’m right back in my comfort zone.

I guess I hope my son has the same group of childhood friends. I hope he would grow as close as we all did those summers on East 14th Street.  Things have changed so much but as corny as this sounds those memories will last my lifetime.

Thing #1 I miss about home…….

Thing #1 I miss about home…….

God bless my Dad! Raising 3 girls in a house all together in pre-teen, teenage age at the same time. Periods, hormonal teenagers who wanted to kill each other and him being clearly outnumbered being the only male in the house. If you ever grow up with a lot of girls in one house you will know that your periods sink together. That means ALL of us women, chocolate eating, crying hormone, fighting, moody girls all being CRAZY at the same time.  Like I said GOD BLESS MY DAD.  In saying that he has to be one of the best people I have ever met and I’m just the lucky one that got stuck with him. Our relationship is a unique one but loving one. The best part is I’m his step-daughter. That is best in fact because he made a choice to love me and he did and dose and will be the best thing since sliced bread.


Anyway……….Growing up I never had real interest in wearing a lot of makeup.  My mother didn’t wear much and my older sister had a lot of makeup but even after reading the instructions I couldn’t figure out where to put what.  The most I ever did with myself was get my hair highlighted and still then I did pretty much the same thing with it almost every day. I just wasn’t THAT girly in the makeup department. I remember asking my mom for makeup and her response was always the same. “You don’t need anything. You won’t be able to see your cute freckles. Less Is more.” Bla…bla….bla….. I thought she was being cheap. Who wants stupid ass freckles? Permanent pimples that’s what people should call them. She was being stupid!

Around high school I decided I definitely needed makeup. I think my arsenal of makeup at that point was Chap Stick. Cherry flavor and glitter lip gloss I got from a friend. I never got the right color foundation and it was only after a bunch of failed attempts I found out you couldn’t just pour it on your face.  I looked at the magazines and wanted to look like them. Once I spent one whole paycheck on random makeup I thought would look good. After applying everything at once I looked like I had 2 black eyes and a busted lip. I would look at my friends and they had bags and bags of makeup. Eye shadow of every color, foundation, powder, brushes, bronzer, blush and the list would go on and on and on. It felt like they were girly and womanly. I wanted to be more like them!  I on the other hand had Chap Stick. After spending hours and hours in the bathroom one day wiping off and putting on and lashes and shadow and lip plumper I emerge to what I feel like looks almost the same. I poked my eye a few times and messed a two perfectly good white shirts putting them over my face. I mean I have had my makeup done by others a few times and they told me what to do but when I did it I looked like a Farrah Fawcett hooker. Once I had everything that seemed to take hours to put on I couldn’t do much of anything that would cause me to sweat, cry, or move. I couldn’t rub my eyes or touch my face.

  One afternoon with just me and my Dad home I decided to experiment with my makeup. After hours of putting this shit on. Applying and reapplying I worked up a pretty significant appetite. When my dad called me out and said he made me lunch I couldn’t pass it up I was starving!  So I came out and sat at the table with him. He hands me sloppy Joes and he eye balls me, shakes his head and sits down. My dad is not much for words. He’s one of those old school men. You know, not much for words and a little rough around the edges.  He grew up with all brothers and knew about makeup as much as I did. And that was nothing! He looks at me for a moment and looks off into the distance. (Probably trying not to laugh) We are half way done eating when he said. “So what do you got all the shit on your face for?”  I look at him and roll my eyes. “Shut up old man. I’m trying to update my look. You don’t know anything.” He looks at me and almost chokes on his sandwich. He clears his plate and starts to clear mine. “I don’t know who you’re trying to put on all that crap for but you should take it off.” I roll my eyes again. I thought I did a pretty good job. I get up and head to the bathroom to check on the new and improved me.  I looked like a hot mess. I must have been rubbing my eyes because of all the shit I put on them and had eye liner and mascara was running down my face. I sweat half of the right side of my face and the lipstick and sloppy Joe mix was half up my face and the other half in my teeth. Defeated I decided it didn’t feel like me with all of this on my face and I was better off with the bare minimum. I wash the stuff off and come back out. My Dad looks and me and smiles and looks away staring off into the distance again. 

( BTW- I never know what he’s looking at. I have tried several attempts to sit in his chair and look over in that area and came to the conclusion that this was his thinking look.)  

“You look a lot better without all the shit all over your face.” I look at him and smile. “You can’t do anything with it on. I don’t know how beautiful people live or even function in everyday life with all of it on.” He laughed and like most things we talk about we never mentioned it again.

That’s how are relationship always is. Teasing each other but talking things out. I know I can sit with him at our old kitchen table in our house. He sits in his seat and I sit in mine. The old light (that they refuse to get rid of and is nothing short of a fire hazard) is hanging over the table and we begin to talk about nothing. Him talking about how old he is and me agreeing with him telling him how old he is. Him complaining about how I talk too much and me proving his point by not shutting up. It’s this relationship we have that is something I miss most about moving away.  Our talks. I can’t begin to describe how much I miss them. I always feel better after talking to my dad (step-dad) It’s this therapeutic taunting. We laugh and joke and cry sometimes. Well I’ll cry and he will tell me to “buck up and knock it off” but when I need him, and I mean really need him he’s there. One time I was so upset about life and how shity it was going at the time I once drove 30 miles to his work ran in and just hugged him. He hugged me back told me he loved me. It was a moment of weakness that we both never talk about. It was simple I needed him and he was there. There is no point in talking about it but just brush it off to “womanly hormones I can’t understand” he would say. Truth is we spend so much time pretending we are tough its good to know your not sometimes.

The thing is I sat here trying to write a blog about our relationship (because mostly its funny and we laugh so hard we almost pee our pants half of time) but it’s harder to explain then I thought. Us sitting there at that old table having coffee and bullshiting abut nothing at all. Literally NOTHING… all. Talking about weather or how funny and stupid people are. How the world is going to shit or how wonderful the world is. Us saying things laughing our ass’s off to just nothing that normal people would find funny. Any normal person sitting down hearing us would think were nuts. But is one of the things I miss most about moving away. That time I have with him. To share anything with him even if it’s nothing at all. I miss that old stupid table and that stupid fire hazard of a light. I miss our talks and I miss that time with him that I realize I NEED.

If you could picture the men from the movie “Grumpy old men” that is probably pin pointing our relationship. Well….I guess that would make me a grumpy old man, but you get my point. (side note- we both love that movie)


So from time to time now I will get a call from him or I will call him and I picture him sitting at the table looking off into the distance (thinking) in his chair and I start some coffee. Still bullshitting and laughing so hard we almost drop our phone. It’s not the same but it will have to do for now. The only difference is I can tell he worries about me and I him. It’s like we both kept each other grounded and looked after with our table talks. We both thought the other one needed the time. Turns out we both did.  Now our conversation ends with…”I love you”  But I can’t tell you how much  I can’t wait to make it home to that stupid barn/house with the stupid big black dog at that stupid old table and talk about stupid things. With the best old man I have ever met in my life!

I love you!

My Beautiful Family