Thursday, February 28, 2013

Stink Nasty


Stink Nasty

So I realize that everyone farts. It’s a fact of life. The model in the Victoria secret magazine, Yep she farts. Brad Pitt, farts. OK so you get my point. It’s a natural body function that makes people ashamed and also blaming the smell on various things. “oh sorry must be something I ate”  “excuse me, sorry”  “oh that was my dog, sorry”  It’s an excuse followed by an apology. It’s a polite thing to do to apologize to a natural body function. Like…”sorry I’m a gross human being”

 My husband on the other hand NEVER got this memo. There is no apology for his gross smelly action, none at all! It’s followed up by a game. Covers over the head….”LIKE THAT?”  “no, no sorry can’t say I do”   The laughter that seems to come out of nowhere and he waits to see my reaction. Locked doors in the car after a fart.  “smell that…what dose that smell like?”  I don’t understand this or the need to smell his own farts then rate it.  “ohh that’s bad. Real bad”  Oh it is?  Your butt air is bad?  Oh shocking. It’s like he is proud of it! I wanna see his face if I did this to him. Took away all the pure lady like qualities. I would then scratched myself all day!!!! Put my hands down my pants all day!!!!! Stink up the bathroom and lure him inside to smell the damage and make him rate my farts. I can imagine the disgusted look on his face now.

 I realize everyone farts but I did not sign up for this when we got married. I grew up with all sisters and all though we were not lady like all the time and beat the shit out of each other like boys I however  don’t ever recall chasing my sister down to fart on her head. So in conclusion sorry for the gross and maybe unpleasant topic but had to vent. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

America is not fancy pants

America is not fancy pants
Our culture is rich as Americans. I mean we get a bad rap a lot of the time. I think each country has it's faults and has it's amazing sides to. When others look at the title "American" (take All the politics out of it) We are known for the hamburger and also McDonald's. THAT'S what most think of first. (and I'm going off of Internet survey and we all know how reliable that is) but, Hey.....McDonald's is not just for Americans and although we like to claim the hamburger it was said the first known patty could date back to the Mongolians era. (I know crazy right?) So I looked up a list of  some of things we invented and it goes as follows. (and when i say "we" theses are things that were invented IN America not necessarily Americana's but....that's what we all are anyways right? American/immigrants at one time or another. Well....unless you are Native American.) is the list.
 (McDonald's around the world)
List of things invented in America
Lighting rod
Mail order
Swivel Chair
Hardtack Crackers
Lobster Trap
Circular saw
Dental floss
Morse code
Threshing machine
Combine harvester
Safety pin
Gas mask
Potato chips
Breast pump
Condensed milk
Toilet paper (rolled)
Monkey wrench
Burglar alarm
Can opener
Modern oil well
Repeating rifle
Vacuum cleaner
Machine gun (revolving)
Ratchet wrench
Breakfast cereal
Roller skates (four-wheeled)
Urinal (restroom version)
Paper clip
Barbed wire
Tape measure
Paper bag
Clothes hanger
Fire hydrant
Chewing gum
Fire hydrant
Chewing gum
pipe wrench
Cream cheese
Fire sprinkler
Tattoo machine
Cash register
Metal detector
Electric fan
Dissovable pill
Machine gun
Fountain pen
Telephone directory
Drinking straw
Revolving door
Paper towel
Ferris wheel
Gas-operated reloading
Tesla coil
Traveler's checks
Comic book
Charcoal briquette
Remote control
Vertical filling cabinet
Assembly line production
Disposable safety razor
Hearing aid
Teddy bear
Air conditioning
Tea bag
Windshield wipers
Automatic transmission
AC power plugs and sockets
Fly swatter
Traffic cone
Fortune cookie
Pop-up toaster
Adhesive bandage
Power steering
Ice cube tray
Bubble gum
Electric razor
Air traffic control
Frozen food
Electric guitar
Tape dispenser
Soft serve ice cream
Microwave oven
Cruise control
Mobile phone
Acrylic paint
Cat litter
Video games
Cable television
Atomic clock
Credit card
Leaf blower
Disposable diaper
Golf cart
Polio vaccine
Bar code
Automatic sliding doors
Hard disk drive
Weather satellite
Compact disc
Laser printer
Smoke detector
Mouse pad
Wireless local area network
Personal computer
Heimlich maneuver
Digital camera
Magnetic resonance imaging
Global positioning system
You are very welcome world!!!!!!This is just some and we are known for the Hamburger? lol
In saying that I'm am very guilty of thinking American stuff is just not fancy. (and don't jump to conclusions that I'm non-American or that i don't like it here because that is NOT what I'm talking about) Like if you want a good quality product it has to be from somewhere that has a women with a nice pleasing accent. If I had a girl (non actress) try to sell me something in your run of the mill American accent I might buy it but ......if the girl is telling me to "get the London look" I have to admit it grabs my attention RIGHT away. This is with cosmetics and hair care products A LOT! Weather they are made in America or not we market this as being "exotic" and I believe because even Americans don't think we are fancy. Like "imported from Italy" WOW.... sounds fancy and expensive. "bra from France" FANCY BOOBS! I don't in vision someone from Duck Dynasty trying to sell me anything "fancy" I do have a feeling that America has embraced it's non New York, Non LA side kinda Hillbilly, Hick side. So is America fancy pants? I don't think so but our list of inventions is long and others would not enjoy life as much without them so....You are welcome world and you are also your welcome for McDonald's.  Oh and.....Thank you for the "London look" :-)
-Here are a few Ad's to sum up my point. The last is an American/Hillbilly add. :-) Food for thought-

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Gym


So I get all excited to work out. With a full stomach I totally commit myself to cooking better and working out! (and I hate that!) I mean I don’t mind if I know I’m not working out. Going swimming, hiking, ect….it’s fun and you just don’t know you’re working out. Standing on a treadmill with everyone around you kicking your ass….buzz kill.

So I committed myself to a gym. Come in all pumped up. Got some Kanye West in my ears. You know the song…..stronger. “that won’t kill me, only makes me stronger” Got my yoga pants on (never did yoga in my life but they are sooooo comfortable!) I’m pumped gunna do this! Get on a treadmill next to an old lady. Ok safe spot. I’m young I will feel awesome next to her. Set the machine to 15. A nice walk jog. I look over at the older women next to me. She’s at 35 on her treadmill. Pfffft I can do that. Set it to 30. Omigod, "I’m dying. This is too fast too fast. This old women can’t beat me. Ok 35." I (and no kidding) almost fall off the machine after just 15 minutes. Sweat pouring down. I didn’t know I was this out of shape. I’ll walk it off around the track and turn up my Kanye. So…..ok on the track there is a walk, jog, run path. I was walking on the run path. Biggest mistake ever!!!!!!!!!!! Never mess up someone’s workout. I was walking on his run. I couldn’t hear him coming because my ears are in and Kanye is telling me this wont kill me and only make me stronger. So I got a nice shove. I should have had on a tag. “Hello My Name Is- dumbass.

After a few more workouts maybe I’ll take a nice hot tub.  Get my swim gear on. Put my hair up. Lay my back down. Let the bubbles go over my body. Awwwwww this is heaven. I look over to the others in the hot tub. Don’t want to be rude. Maybe strike up a workout pal convo. Have some workout friends. I look over and they are naked. Yes….naked. Just sitting there in the hot tub. Don’t get excited male readers I’m not talking about the pillow fight, sleepover, sexy pajama, sexy hot tub hot (that you all this we do in our spare time) Nope…..old lady old boob lady hot tub. Yep……naked. All of it just hanging out. I realized  2 things while trying not to be rude and run out of the hot tub screaming. 1-old women saggy boobs float. (not a pretty image) and 2-I was basically sitting in a tub of old vagina. So far this was a big fail. I would rather take my dogs for a walk or play with my son outside and not know I’m working out. After I get out I HAVE to take a shower and wash old women off me.

If anyone belongs to a gym you know how small the towels are. You can either cover boobs or vag. You can’t cover both at once. I just roll my eyes and add this to the list of things I hate about working out. So I go to the locker to change and about 5 women are standing next to me. I feel like (for their benefit ) I should hide the goods. I take two towels and try to maneuver my wet swim suit off and still stay somewhat covered. The girls around me…..don’t care at all. They are having normal conversations naked.  The girl to my left (who is going all 70’s afro downtown and proud of it) puts her leg up on the bench to dry herself off.  Just hanging out. And I’m sure you guys are thinking…”well just don’t look” it’s totally the plane crash syndrome. You don’t want to EVER see it but you can’t help but watch it crash. This is very much the situation. So being my normal typical self I make conversation with 5 middle age naked women around me. I just put my clothes back on and figure I will shower at home.  I sort of a run jog out of the locker room. I felt proud of myself for the workout but wanted to get the heck out of there!!!!!!  Just as I’m leaving a see a mom running around by the front door. She stops me and said “you wouldn’t happened to see a little boy age 3 running upstairs naked would you?"

Ummmmm what?  Yep I’m out!


Friday, February 22, 2013

Love/Hate relationship with scary movies

              Love/Hate relationship with scary movies

Ok….so I have a deep and long lasting love/hate relationship with scary movies. It’s not just typical horror movies but almost anything you watch that can scare the shit out of you. Mine happens to be the run of the mill horror films and or the typical “I’m possessed” shit that creeps me out but also 60 minuets or dateline. You know the episodes “murder next door”  or “I didn’t know my neighbor was a serial killer” That shit’s scary. Paranormal state….fuuuucking creepy. That shit scares me.  I mean so do the slasher films but you kinda store them in your mind as unrealistic. Like Aliens taking over the planet stuff. You say when you see them “wow that caught me off guard and that cutting off the leg bit was gross but it’s sort of predictable”  Scary but not THAT scary.

So I feel like I do this to myself all the time. Get hyped up for a scary movie and or creepy dateline (don’t laugh) and set the mood. First you set the mood by closing the shades. This is not to keep the light out but just for the fact of seeing your refection when you have to get up mid movie to pee can scare the shit out of you also leads to stubbed toes. I also sit with my back against the wall anything else is just silly. Dark hallways…..i think not! Final thing…..a night light. Just enough light to run to the safe part of the room incase things get too intense. I love getting scared but hate the scare aftereffects.

Ok so I find something to watch and get really excited at first but also keep the remote in my hands. Pushing pause or fast-forward is key to watching this alone. Oh and locking the doors and windows because you never know. Movie starts and even tho I know it’s not likely or  realistic because I know my neighbors so they can’t be serial killers everything becomes more believable. Like….”omigod I could see that happening and I can’t talk myself out of it because that’s what she said just before they killed her” They do the interviews with the people living next door. “so was there anything odd or strange about them? Did you know they were serial killers?” “NO, they seemed completely normal everyday person.” Ok…..I would hope so because if you knew why didn’t you call anyone? Dah! and “ok so I know my neighbors are in their mid 80’s but they could so do this. Him with his gardening all the time. Obviously hiding bodies  and her with her cookies. obviously poison. I can so see it. OMIGOD they are serial killers. See I knew it! And they said its who you least expect” and all of that seems logical to me at the time because its dark out and maybe it could happen. Everything is fucking scary. So I try to distract myself. I think that I could magically be a ninja if someone ever came in here. I look around the house to plot out my escape plan. “so if they come in this door I can totally make it out the window. I’ll sleep with the dog so that will give me just enough time to run….ect….ect  AND I talk myself into thinking this is everyday normal by saying. “well I can also use this as a fire escape plan.”

So I get into bed and its at this point that EVERYTHING seems suspicious. Hot water heater clicking on, killer/ghost. The wind, some mystical way of letting me know someone just broke into my house. I’m terrified but don’t want to admit it. It’s late so I scan my phone. “who can I call, who can I call?” ok everyone is sleeping you can sleep too just like you did last night or the night before. I say to myself. Oh but it wouldn’t hurt to push 911 but not call and leave it on my phone. Well just incase. Ok ill call my husband. 1:30 am. “hey so what you doing?” “Steph what are you doing up did you watch dateline?”  “pffffft no. why? What I can’t call you and say I LOOOOVE you? But more importantly, So when you going to be home?  Soon I hope cuz I miss you soooo much!!!!!  K love you bye”

After it seems like forever when I get to sleep morning comes and it’s daylight out. I was not THAT scared. What was the big deal? It was just a movie a silly movie. Then there is a knock at the door. I look out the window and it’s Lucy the neighbor with her garden tomatoes to share with us. I am not answering the door and going to eat dead body tomatoes. Pfffft 

In life so far I know.....



In life so far I know……


1)      It hurts to love someone and not be loved back….but worse to love someone and never act.

2)      Advice is what we ask for even tho we already know the truth, but wish we didn’t.

3)      Love is acting yourself completely and showing all your scars and showing the stuff you wish you could hide and that person loving those parts most about you.

4)      Life is skinned knees, tears, blood, pain, callused hands and sore feet but without all them things how would you noticed when your happy?

5)      Peanut butter helps hiccups and so dose anything else that takes your mind off it for 15 seconds

6)      Everyone poops. Even butterflies.

7)      Trying to impress someone is always for your own benefit.

8)      Spiders jump…..awwwww

9)      Sisters are friends who can’t brake up with you. Even if they really want to and sometimes you want to punch them in the face. Also…..I can call my sister a bitch but if you do ill kick your ass.

10)   Men will never understand periods! Don’t try to explain cramps, headaches, tampons, feeling sleepy….they will NEVER get it. save your time and ask for more chocolate. Makes everyone happy.

11)   Don’t wish you had better friends….just go find new ones.

12)   Lotion + skinny jeans = fail

13)   When your child/husband is not doing well at a video game apparently the WRONG thing to say is, ”honey it’s just a game.”

14)   I love vampires is not something a 29 year old should say to anyone. Lesson learned!

15)   The older I get the more I fart

16)   If you show too much up top ur a ho, if you show too much leg ur a slut. I’m 5’10 with DD boobs. I must be a hoslut.

17)   Husbands are sweet, kind, understanding and loving when sex or food are involved. Always pick one because without one or the other he slowly reverts to a caveman. Both and he can’t say no to you.  *cue movies like, the notebook, peal harbor, ect…

18)   When did I get fat? I asked…….yeah because it happened that fast. “ummmm last Tuesday?  Yeah Tuesday that’s when fat happened.”

19)   I like to brag about things I did once. Because if I did it all the time you would know I did and wouldn’t have to brag. “I use to….all the time.” If I don’t anymore I will brag! “I use to be hot and skinny, yep and cool.” USE TO BE.

20)   I hate everything I’m not good at. Like having abs or being hot.

21)   Being weird is better than being normal. Least in my book it is.

22)   Smart people ask questions, dumb people pretend they know. Ask more questions.

23)   Admit when your wrong. You can’t be right all the time. Just not possible.

24)   I can’t be a princess because I’m not lady like but mostly because I don’t have the ability to talk to animals and sing on cue.

25)   Black makes you look thin so dose working out. I own a lot of black!

26)   If you are going to bike stay off the road! I can’t see you and when I almost hit you don’t look surprised. I mean your lucky to be alive and made it this long.

27)   Singing in the shower to tween music when ur almost 30 is completely normal. Pretending you’re a rock star for a 20 minuets shower is how everyone should wake up in the morning. (Side note-shampoo bottles make good microphones)

28)   Clowns are not cute. Having them for a child’s birthday party is cruel and unusual punishment.

29)   When your shopping and you go in the express lane (12 items or under) don’t write a fucking check. OMIGOD…..its express.

30)   Take a complement. Its always nice to be modest but when someone is truly genuine and gives it to you. Say thank you.

31)   Don’t be rude. Say please and thank you. If your waiter is rude to you and you feel like you don’t want to say thank you or leave a tip. Don’t jump to conclusions that they are just a bitch or asshole. They may have had the worst day of their life. Maybe they have 3 jobs or their husband/wife left them or what have you. Give each person the benefit of the doubt.  Leave them with a bigger tip and tell them to have a better day.

32)   Kindness is contagious so is crabbiness. Be kind to those who are crabby you may turn the tables.

33)   When you think you’re not making the right choices as a mother watch Teen Mom. Always makes me feel like a supper mom.

34)   Never regret any choices you make. Unanswered prayers by Garth Brooks with explain why. (don’t laugh its true)

35)   Never go to bed angery or leave someone with hateful words. Could be the last time you ever see them and you don’t want to say ….would have, could have, should have.

36)   I’m not weak, or stupid or naive because I believe in God.  If I’m wrong and your right I’ll be dead in the ground and won’t know the difference. At least when I am here ill have something to hope for and believe in. That does not make me weak or stupid. But….. for the sake of augment if I’m right and your wrong…then what?

37)   Mostly…..try to live your life the way you want your kids to live theirs. After all you are their superhero.