Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Big Day

The Big Day

 We are little girls setting up our Barbie houses down the long hallway in our parents home. I have a wood Barbie house with green shutters and a white door. My little sister has a bright pink Barbie house with blue shutters and blue door. We lay out our Barbie’s and swap outfits. It’s the big wedding day. Her Barbie is going to marry Ken the man of her dreams. We set up the hallway and pick out just the right music for the big event. The song from “adventures in babysitting” we sit up the wedding party and our Barbie’s hug and kiss as she walks down the aisle. We swear to be friends forever and live right next door to each other forever and ever. At the end of playing we pack up our Barbie’s and put everything away. I look at Krista and she starts to cry a little. I give her a look and she whispers…”I don’t want to ever get married and move away. I don’t want to leave its too scary. I will just marry my dad and stay here.” I look at her and said….”well I think you have to get married it’s a law or something. You get to wear a big princess dress and eat cake all day.” She smiles a little…. “Ok I guess.”  

It’s a week before my baby sister’s wedding and I can’t believe she’s getting married. So many memories and so much time has passed up to this big day.  If any of you have sisters you know that growing up and growing up as teenagers is not always easy. At first its Barbie’s and pig tales and fairytales then there is hormones and screaming and yelling and so many close calls to almost killing each other it’s not even funny.

Where do I start?  My younger sister and I are very much alike. We are stubborn and bullheaded and we both think we are right. Keep us both in a room for too long on a bad day with a disagreement you can see everyone in the room causally walk away. She thinks I’m stupid and a bitch and I think she’s her bitching is stupid. It’s not a big deal to us though. Because we are so much alike we know that no matter what we will love each other and stick up for each other and its ok if we call each other a bitch but when someone else does it’s NOT ok. It’s the way it’s always been. Odd to others but perfect for us. We love each other and so much when shit hits the fan we take it harder than everyone else. If something happens to her…..(and it has because she is prone to accidents) I panic. I literally freak out. I want to control the situation and be with her as soon as possible. Same for when things go wrong in my life. I don’t have to ask her to be there she just is. Shows up at my door and takes care of me and that is something beyond sisters. It’s a deep friendship that only we can understand.

So here we are years later and she’s getting married. I can’t believe it. In my eyes she is and will always be my baby sister. It sucks too just for the fact that I’m miles and miles away. The little things I’m missing. Like dress shopping and be there to help, picking out colors and table settings and just…..being involved and knowing my sister she has it “totally under control” but still wanted to be there. I am so sentimental like that.

So far from playing Barbie’s down the hallways in our old house. So far from long summer days on our trampoline in the yard. So many years from all of that. In a few short days she will be walking down the aisle for real. She will be spending the rest of her life with her real prince charming. She will look like a princess standing up there. She will be nervous and shaky because I know her. She will be so consumed and worried that everyone has fun she might forget about her own. I will remind her how fast the day will go and not everything will go perfect but no one will notice. I will remind her to have fun and how much I love her and I will remind her she looks just like a princess and she can have all the cake she wants.  After all it is her wedding day.


So here is to you baby sister for finding your prince charming and your dream house and your princess dress.  I love you!
(Important wedding tunes.) "Best Friends Wedding"  "Adventures in Babysitting"  "Chapel Of Love"
And just for fun  Wedding Movies Montage

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