Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A open letter to my sister and her husband….

A open letter to my sister and her husband….

I just got back to South Dakota from what only I can explain as the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to. Yes, yes I know I am a little bias seeing at is my baby sister,  but it was very, very beautiful.

As custom the bridesmaids stayed with the bride the night before the wedding.  It wasn’t until I was back at my sister’s home to spend the night when I realized some things. As I was walking into her new beautiful home looking at the home my sister and her soon to be husband as made for themselves. I was shocked. It truly was a beautiful home. They worked together to build this and I think that is what makes it so amazing. Most of the home was built by her husband’s own hands being the sentimental weirdo that I am I found so much symbolism walking up and down her halls. Then I look over at my sister. So happy and so calm. She walks about the house making sure we have all that we need and even though we should be tending to her every need she was tending to ours. As we lay down for the night I hear her friends all around her. Laughing, joking, and it reminded me of a saying. “If you have one, just one truly good friend in this world consider yourself lucky.” I looked around at her friends her very close friends and I have countless stories of years and years of friendship between them all. It makes me almost want to cry. She is not only lucky but blessed to have so many girls who would do and have done just about anything for her. Not part time friends or friends that show up when they need something or want something theses girls, everyone of them in that room has not only been there for her but me from time and time as well just because of her.  I lay down on the mattress and have a few more minutes with her before we all fall asleep for the night. She walks around and said….”Anyone need anything? Everyone have everything?” And I said…. “No, I need you to tuck me in.” I say with a joke tone. She bends over crawls in bed with me puts her arm around me and said. “I love you” and kisses me on the head. “I love you too.” I said even though I know she already knows.  As we wake up the next morning she is up before us with coffee ready. Lol….like I said, she on her wedding day looking out for us. I sip my coffee as we work out the days plans.  I play “Chapel of love” on my phone as each girl brakes out in full song in the kitchen.

Everything goes on without a hitch. It get’s time to walk down the aisle and I stood up there with all my sisters friends and my sister and wait for her to walk down. She looks flawless and so very very much like a princess. There is my dad beside her. So proud walking his little girl up to the man on her dreams.  They start the vows and I facing her husband looking at him say the loving words to my sister I feel a tear come down my face. The promises he is making her in front of family and friends and God……I can’t hold the tears in.  I look away as to not get too chocked up and I look at our dad. His eyes are full of tears, happy tears because of the smile that also paints his face. My mom with tears and that’s it the tears are just going to flow. This is it, the day we have talked about since we were little. It is here and the moment will soon pass us. I take a deep breath and look around.

Soke it all in. Every face and every flower in the room so I can recall this moment when we are old and gray. I look up at my sister not a hair out of place her eyes looking right into his and a little smile creeps up on her face. This moment that look she is giving him, that is what all the fuss is about. Every love sappy movie and fairy tale and romance novel. That look of complete love is what everyone wants and they both looking at each other in that moment. Eyes locked on each other as if they are the only people in the room. This is what I will tell my kids some day when they ask me….”how do you know you are in love” and I will start the story off as…..”Once upon a time, not so long ago there lived a little blond girl and her firefighter.”

Landon- Ufff where to start? I know over the years I have given you crap. You have to understand that is what big sisters do. We never had brothers to do the ass kicking so I nominated myself. I would give you so much crap and you kept showing up. To every birthday of mine and event you came. I knew almost the moment she brought you around that you were the one but to let you know that would be another story. And there you were the same kind and giving man every time. It wasn’t a show or a act you where really that person. You not only loved my sister so very, very much but our family as well. You would tell me you love me and not because you had to but because you did and you cared. You would listen to me complain and bitch. Lol….I would start a story and no one would hear me and there you are listening to everything I had to say. You are so very patient and kind and I can’t imagine my sister with a better man. You truly are an amazing person and I am so blessed to now call you brother. Thanks for taking care of my sister Landon. I know I don’t say this to you a lot and I am not much for hugs and stuff but , Thank you and I love you too!

My baby sister Krista- You looked amazingly beautiful. I can’t tell you how very very proud I am of you. Proud would be an understatement. To look at the women you have become and the person you are makes me happy to call you my sister. The letter you gave to me the day before your wedding is something I will hold dear to my heart. Those words mean so much to me and it’s something I will keep forever. Thank you! I can’t believe how just in a blink of an eye you went from baby sister to bride. Where did all that time go? I want to let you know how very blessed I am to have a sister like you. When I needed you and when times were hard for me and everyone that cared kind of faded into the background and I grew depressed, You and without asking picked me up and you were there for me and you didn’t ask questions, you knew I needed you and you dropped everything and where there for me. You gave me love and compassion. I was supposed to be the big sister and take care of you and there you were taking care of me. That is something I have and will never forget. I won’t forget the days of playing  together when we were young.  Growing up and spending long summer days together and the pool and doing everything together. Growing up into teenagers and half killing each other and loving each other in the same moment. How we joke around and laugh and all the stuff we did together. I won’t forget one minute of it Krista! I can’t imagine my life without my sister. For those that don’t have a sister they can’t and won’t understand our bond. The friendship and love that comes with having a best friend you can never brake up with. I love you Krista! I am proud of you and I don’t have to say “I wish you a long and happy life together” wishing would be pointless when it’s a given. You WILL have a long and happy life together. I love you so much and I am so happy for you. Your “Once upon a time…..” Ended with a “Happily ever after”  I love you baby sister!



Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Big Day

The Big Day

 We are little girls setting up our Barbie houses down the long hallway in our parents home. I have a wood Barbie house with green shutters and a white door. My little sister has a bright pink Barbie house with blue shutters and blue door. We lay out our Barbie’s and swap outfits. It’s the big wedding day. Her Barbie is going to marry Ken the man of her dreams. We set up the hallway and pick out just the right music for the big event. The song from “adventures in babysitting” we sit up the wedding party and our Barbie’s hug and kiss as she walks down the aisle. We swear to be friends forever and live right next door to each other forever and ever. At the end of playing we pack up our Barbie’s and put everything away. I look at Krista and she starts to cry a little. I give her a look and she whispers…”I don’t want to ever get married and move away. I don’t want to leave its too scary. I will just marry my dad and stay here.” I look at her and said….”well I think you have to get married it’s a law or something. You get to wear a big princess dress and eat cake all day.” She smiles a little…. “Ok I guess.”  

It’s a week before my baby sister’s wedding and I can’t believe she’s getting married. So many memories and so much time has passed up to this big day.  If any of you have sisters you know that growing up and growing up as teenagers is not always easy. At first its Barbie’s and pig tales and fairytales then there is hormones and screaming and yelling and so many close calls to almost killing each other it’s not even funny.

Where do I start?  My younger sister and I are very much alike. We are stubborn and bullheaded and we both think we are right. Keep us both in a room for too long on a bad day with a disagreement you can see everyone in the room causally walk away. She thinks I’m stupid and a bitch and I think she’s her bitching is stupid. It’s not a big deal to us though. Because we are so much alike we know that no matter what we will love each other and stick up for each other and its ok if we call each other a bitch but when someone else does it’s NOT ok. It’s the way it’s always been. Odd to others but perfect for us. We love each other and so much when shit hits the fan we take it harder than everyone else. If something happens to her…..(and it has because she is prone to accidents) I panic. I literally freak out. I want to control the situation and be with her as soon as possible. Same for when things go wrong in my life. I don’t have to ask her to be there she just is. Shows up at my door and takes care of me and that is something beyond sisters. It’s a deep friendship that only we can understand.

So here we are years later and she’s getting married. I can’t believe it. In my eyes she is and will always be my baby sister. It sucks too just for the fact that I’m miles and miles away. The little things I’m missing. Like dress shopping and be there to help, picking out colors and table settings and just…..being involved and knowing my sister she has it “totally under control” but still wanted to be there. I am so sentimental like that.

So far from playing Barbie’s down the hallways in our old house. So far from long summer days on our trampoline in the yard. So many years from all of that. In a few short days she will be walking down the aisle for real. She will be spending the rest of her life with her real prince charming. She will look like a princess standing up there. She will be nervous and shaky because I know her. She will be so consumed and worried that everyone has fun she might forget about her own. I will remind her how fast the day will go and not everything will go perfect but no one will notice. I will remind her to have fun and how much I love her and I will remind her she looks just like a princess and she can have all the cake she wants.  After all it is her wedding day.


So here is to you baby sister for finding your prince charming and your dream house and your princess dress.  I love you!
(Important wedding tunes.) "Best Friends Wedding"  "Adventures in Babysitting"  "Chapel Of Love"
And just for fun  Wedding Movies Montage